Sunday, 28 August 2016

Lego Beetle 10152 Review, Stop Motion & more!

Hey BrickaGrammers - how's it going ?

Yet another awesome week at Brickagram -
 The Brickagram live Game streams are back up and running,  And to start of the stream nothing better than a live draw for Lego set 40145 the very rare Lego exclusive shop  in the non profit raffle - which ran for some time

Only one winner

And that was Carol Phillips from Tasmania in Australia - again proving Brickagram is an awesome worldwide community bringing toy brick fans together of all ages

And of course not to forget as we do in most streams - guess the minfig - if you are unfamiliar with guess the minfig - its your chance to win a minfig from all different seasons all you have to do is guess the minfig from the blind bag from a list of 6 options - Blind luck i like to call it but awesome fun non the less

Well done Christopher Rushton On your series 12 life guard win


Game stream times are

Fri 7pm - 9 pm UK time
Sat 7pm - 9pm UK time
Sun 7pm - 9pm UK time

all stream are live on Facebook and twitch

links below

and you can also catch up on past streams on Brickagram YouTube channel and twitch channel.


You can enter up to 4 times 

all you have to do for a chance to win a full set of Simpsons series 2 minifigs and a set of Brickagram photos 

To enter 4 times : 

1) Like this post in the brickagram facebook group tag a friend leave a comment

2) Like this post on instagram tag a friend leave a comment

3) comment on this blog - recommend a friend 

4) Like and comment on Brickagrams Latest animation 76055  (below)

New Brickagram animation this week on Lego set 76055 Killer Croc and  another awesome speed build

review coming in the next blog update.

oversized - Killer Croc is awesome  
                                          Stop motion build video here


10252 Volkswagen Beetle

Big reviews are not my thing I like a review that gets to the point fast and give a result without spoiling the fun --- so here goes our first Proper review 

I am infatuated by this set as it sits proudly next to my mini and Volkswagen camper van -  when you see them all together you get a sense they had a lot more room to make  the Volkswagen van bigger to fit in with the scales of the other models,  unfortunately this isn't the case - and the 1960s classic camper is clearly undersized - an awesome build non the less

I am Huge fan of classic cars from the 60s - e type jag - beetle - vw camper - mini . they had a certain style a class and shape that could never be repeated  in history
 as you can see with recent attempts of the mini and the beetle - but in my opinion you can't beat the classic even though they drive terribly they defined an era of good music and good style - the 60s

so as you would expect from Lego their design is flawless as all 1199 pieces fit together to make this most awesome model --
In fact this is way up there as one of my favorite models - even down to the printed vw tiles this set is a must for any afol -

There is only three bag numbers and 10 bags that come out from the box - a thick singular manual with a stack of pages -
I admit i under estimated this set  and the amount of pieces that fell out of the little bags was pretty daunting - i thought only a few hours to do the stop motion video  - thought wrong so so wrong - it was a long mission - but as always i was determined getting to it to finish the stop motion video and see the results -

after putting in the gear stick and the seats after the first set of bag number, i am starting to think this is amazing, just so many small pieces - fiddling through the bags sorting them out into manageable piles  is always fun... unless you have a Taj Mahal or London bridge with no bag numbers, many of the expert creator sets have no bag numbers - and fair dos after all you are building an expert set - not for the weak hear ted, its a great pre cursor for the much larger sets -- for example big ben - 4000 + small pieces pretty much all the same colour....  if you are new to Lego and joy it brings then this is a good start - if your ready for the middle of the swimming pool not the deep end not the shallow end this is for you - providing you like classic cars -

So after the first bag I was getting a feel - starting to appreciate the massive lengths the Lego designers go to to make these sets so - well - awesome. especially the spectacular creator classic car lines --

if you look at the previous Volkswagen beetle the rough edges - needed ironing out - no surf board , no fine details like in this set -- and to mention the surfboard the only fault i found ---- it would to sit on the top of the beetle with out falling off when you tilted it - a very sturdy set - well designed and is put together so well  and awesome birthday present 
onto bags numbers 2 it has taken 3 hours of stop motion time and over 1000 pictures up to now - that a pretty long time - but worth every second to be taken away from the pressures of life, and solely focus on this master piece , and trust me its a master piece
at the end of bag numbers 2 we had an almost complete beetle the doors are in place all we need to do is the roof and the surfboard and ice box .... 

To be honest i was in love and didn't want it to end - its just one of them sets you know will be a classic - it was a steady 6 hours and over 2000+pictures in - and well over half way - even at this stage a rebuild was not unthinkable when complete, I was just enjoying it so much - this time to see how long it would take with out the stop motion process 

 Bags numbers 3 was definatley the end of the build the pieces getting bigger and the smaller pieces dwindling out ... Ans in the end an awesome model with loads of features .... the obligatory engine,,, no foot pedals, the spare wheel in the bonnet -  reclining seats - ice box - surfboard. Amazing use of small and large pieces ... and that colour - sky blue  and i almost forgot the several license plates- the beach towel that sits snugly on a shelf in the boot -

I have to give this set a 9 out of 10 and that is simply because of the  fact i couldn't get the surfboard to fit properly a very minor flaw for a classic set 

a must for any Lego fan --- 

Lets just hope we see a poly bag in the not to distant future to go with the others.



                             BrickaGrams stop motion video here -

 STAR WARS FANS !! here are some more leaked pictures of the death star 75159  i mentioned in the previous post  - i see the ucs stickers - but no difference  between the older death star except for the disney re brand and a few different figures --- surely this isn't right ;(


BG Week in pics!

Please watch the blog or the Brickagram the Facebook group to keep updated on the most awesome competition on its way!

Have an awesome week Brickagrammers.

Friday, 19 August 2016

Birthday, Beetle, Disney & eveything else!

Hey BrickaGrammers

Hope everyone is awesome and the past 2 weeks have gone down so fast - I just thought  we are well due for another BrickaGram Blog -

I would like to start this blog with thanking everyone for My Birthday wishes, it really helped to make my day excellent - And Also a very warm thank you to everyone's condolences for the loss of poppy our very young and beautiful dog who passed on the 17th of Aug 2016 after a very short mystery illness ....  thank you everyone for your support it is much needed ..  Again Proving BrickaGram is an awesome solid community with people that really care for one another .......

You will forever be in our hearts

Bye for now Poppy
May 2010  - Aug 17th 2016 


 Ok... onto much lighter and awesome news !

Ahh where to start  - so much to talk about -

We have a competition re -  run  after the last winner decided not to share an address to claim his prize - this competition is live right now, currently running on our Facebook group and ends on Sunday 21st of Aug 2016
- If you would like the chance to win - the Lego birthday cake set a brickagram minifig and the hawkeye poly bag (as always our competitions are free and worldwide unless stated )

look for the post on either   our facebook group   instagram

We are also so close to making our target for the non profit raffle --

After getting the most awesome birthday present - Lego creator set 10252 - Volkswagen Beetle ... a spectacular set --

1119 pieces over 3 bags numbers - crammed into this vehicle - Lego have definitely nailed it again - in my opinion it looks a lot better with much smoother edges over the previous model -- it also has a level of detail only found with our favorite toy bricks Manufacturer ---
They have done it again as with the mini  (20142) and the vw camper  (10220) - it will forever fascinate me out of such small pieces a structure or vehicle can be made -- and re made and re made 

This set is next level - and i mean next level - It sits so perfect on an led lit shelf with the mini and the vw camper ( i am a classic car fan)

I would say once you have sorted the pieces into organized piles - it isn't a long build 3 - 4 hours max
but you really get a beautiful looking vehicle - The surfboard,  the Ice box with the beer can in and wine bottle - put the edge on this and makes it a clear rival for the vw camper - which is my fave
I almost forgot the engine in the boot and the bonnet that opened with a hinge

This set is highly recommend if you are a classic car fan this is for you  -   there are so many amazing details 

As you would expect in true BrickaGram style we have a stop motion / speed build  video being released with this blog -- you will be able to see it being built from scratch  just check our Youtube channel

avail for 69.99 @ lego store and online


The Disney castle 71040 is avail for vip members / another must buy purchase - and Tinkerbell in there for good measure
over 4000 pieces in this huge structure

73 cm high which is almost as tall as the Eiffel tower - all the individual rooms that are scenes from the most prolific Disney films are perfect for animations - video shots - i cannnnnnnnt wait for this one -

will you be buying this one ??

retails at 289.99 in the uk

And now onto our final bit of news...

and it might be good if you missed it the first time around but second time around i do not think ill be purchasing this one --

a picture has leaked of the new death star -- 

in my personal opinion Lego has been lazy in their last ucs launch

the hoth battle set -- and for some unknown reason they have done it again

 with an almost identical design to the last death star and some different figured thrown in there

i was convinced it was going to be so much better than this --

lets just hope this is a hoax



Friday, 5 August 2016

BrickaGram News, Competitions and more!

Hey Hey BrickaGramers


Another awesome week -

 Firstly i'd like to mention BrickaGrams game stream times
Its your chance to tune in and chill out with other BickaGrammers win prizes and watch current Lego games being completed - hosted by the BrickaGramer.

Stream times :

7pm UK time Friday
 3 pm UK Time Saturday
3 pm UK time Sunday

Stream times do change so please contact me for updates

Live on Twitch

and in our awesome Facebook group BrickaGram  18.2k members
Now onto mentioning the Awesome non profit raffle that we have going on in the BrickaGram group at the minute, its your chance to win this awesome set 40145 
 We are close to meeting out target of the price of the set once the target has reached we will raffle the set off - first number wins.

If you would like to enter please contact me via Facebook (philfenn), Instagram.(the_brickagramer)

40145 is a highly exclusive set and extremely rare -  entry is £ max of 5 no profit is made in any of our raffles


Here at brickagram competitions our one of our favorite things we, and the huge amount of prizes we have given out since the beginning is astounding - from huge ucs and creator sets all the way to the elusive brickagram minifigures that appear once in a while..

Competitions are usually done weekly - and our last winner la la manciles (Instagram) from California randomly won herself general grevious (75112) Awesome prize ..

So this week

if you would like a chance to win

discontinued polybags

30130 ( the black pearl)
30162 (quinjet)
30165 (hawkeye)
30163 (thor)

All you have to do is comment on this picture 

In either the Facebook BrickaGram group

or on the Instagram post

follow @the_brickagramer

Goood luck !!!!





 News of the awesome and second version of the Creator set, The Volkswagen beetle 10252. Has hit the shelves in a much better looking and more formed model than the previous vw beetle in a lighter blue colour this looks awesome and will go well with other vehicles in the creator range - e.g mini - Volkswagen camper - i will most certainley be purchasing this awesome set ... check the pics below



Amazing detail to everything --- as you'd expect from Lego, the model is 69.99 in the Lego store.

Thank you for reading, have a great weekend - See you tonight @ the game stream :)

                               Peace, Love & Respect - The BrickaGramer.