Hey BrickGeekz,
It's been a week since our last blog - so it's now time for a new one and this time its going to be on the Lego Batman Movies sets 70906 The Joker Low Rider and Penguins Arctic roller 70911 ..
Ok where to start ?
We took a vote in the BrickGeekz Facebook group as i wondered what set you preferred and the results were surprising, a lot of people preferred the arctic roller .. for me it such a hard decision which is better Joker or penguin ? both such awesome vehicles and strong characters, everyone know's who the Joker and Penguin are even non comic book fans. Which is a testament to the superiority of batman ;)
We will start with the awesomeness of the jokers low rider

And let me tell you its awesome
433 Pieces
3 x small instruction books
3 x internal bags
1 x small sticker sheet
3 x minifigs (harley - joker -batgirl)
I think anyone who has seen the Batman movies from the Late 80's early 90's would mostly say they were just awesome .. Michael Keaton was a pretty Slick batman and his suit, it was the first time Batman looked like he meant business ... And to say Jack Nicholson was a good joker is an understatement - as we all know The joker has no identity, but in the 89 Batman - they wrote him in as Jack Napier a Gangster who shot Bruce waynes parents - Straying away from the original Batman story lines ... No one cared it was spectacular and brought a new younger wave of Batman fans, Keeping the Dark knight ever present in modern culture..
And to Find out in the new Lego Batman Movie they have the Jokers low rider set 70906 , and is based on the old 80s Batman movie - I have to admit i was exited, Lego have done it again -
this set is Brilliant
First thing that stuck me when built was the size of the Vehicle - its Pretty long
24 cm infact - when i say 24 cm it seems so much bigger.

And as you can see its Just Pure class - and this is on appearance we haven't even talked about detail - which too is also good Lego have mixed printed tiles with stickers as usual which left me a little annoyed.. but i get it so hard getting them straight non the less still pretty cool

The zebra print seats are both funny and nostalgic

An looking at the back we can see the sound system and two button that eject the rockets through the boot.

I am a huge fan of the exterior of this car it looks awesome from the large gold rooster on the boonet, the horn that you build and the small gold grills at the side this set will surely please older fans like me as well as newer fans
cant wait to see this car in action on Feb 10 2017 when the LEGO BATMAN movie is released!

Now underneath - as we know this is a low rider that uses lego mechanics to improvise hydraulic system - there are four individual sections to this part of the build and if you look at the live build i was thrown off a little by this as i tried to build them in a way for stop motion video, honestly it frustrated me a little as i could and should have followed the instructions - when we got back on track it all made sense

The four elastic bands clip adjacent to each other pulling the looser wheel mechanism tight making the wheels elevate
2 awesome figures in this pack and a very generic looking but transformed Batgirl , Lego have merged a belt that fits into their new batman minfigs - think it looks great, though i have to say this is one of the best Harley figures ever released its simple awesome

The baseball bat is excellent with the hearts on it printed front and back so much detail such a small fig just great
The joker has an awesome suit and tattooed cards symbols on his arm again making this set another must have

Batgirl appears quite a few times in recent Batman sets and now in Lego Movie Batman sets , though they have changed her appearance, her colours are awesome and she now has a pony tail you can fit into her helmet , i just get the feeling its not as good as the Joker and no way near on Harley though happy to finally see a clay face figure or rather build which i will be reviewing very soon .....

Retails @ £55.00 @ lego.com
PROS = a must for any batman fan , old and young , larger than expected , harley quinn looks amazing and so does joker, 433 pieces of bliss , not a bad buy , great suspension.
CONS = Stickers, inside could have been more detailed, fidgety wheel mech , generic batgirl
9.0 out of 10
Stop motion build is coming soon -----
Ok that was awesome love the joker low rider but equally as awesome in my opinion is the Arctic roller set - 709011

305 pieces
2 x small instruction books
3 x internal bags
1 x small sticker sheet
2 x minifigs (batman, penguin )
Penguin, Oswald Cobblepot ... Is up there with the Joker when it comes to Bad Guys, in darker more recent portrayals 1992 Batman returns he was abandoned by his parents and left in the sewers in gotham , raised by penguins. This being one of my favorite depictions of Oswald ... The designers at lego have not let us down with this next build
The arctic roller is spectacular, the first impressions were , it looks most like a gotham street car more than any other vehicle .... it huge gold rims - 6 wheels - wow and is pretty large and definitely worth the price tag!

But it lacks underside structure and its a much faster build than jokers low rider how can it be better or match the low rider ?
with only 305 pieces it considerably cheaper than the joker low rider --
This is how -- firstly it looks amazing .... it look more like it should have been bruce waynes car and alfred should be driving..... Though penguin does have aristocratic roots i have a feeling its would have been more beffiting for Bruce, infact it does look like the vehicle in lego gotham batman 2 (the game) where bruce pulls up to an event that is sabotaged by the joker ... But regardless nothing is stopping us using as bruce and alfreds car ..... the two peices on the bonnect can be eaily modified and made into anyone vehicle ... for example two face, or maybe even the riddler ...

This what makes this vehicle so great besides the huge wheel arches and the over exaggeration of the head light, i would gladly have my own life sizes arctic roller
at the front you can see the rockets that are triggered by a disguised button at the front
One printer tile which is the button on the bonnet that released the rockets and stickers for the grills and license plates front and back

Inside only space for one character namely the Penguin

305 pieces and i am still puzzled it just goes against the grain, lack of space inside .. this is all about making this set look like what i would say a classic gotham take on a 1930s car.
Just amazing!
I am really into the penguin figure that comes with this set , his tall hat and closed umbrella look like they are new Parts and all i can think about is how to use this hat on other figs -- simply sweet

Batman seems to be my least favouite of the minifigs obv he is going to be in most sets .... if you want to see a change in batmans then id defo recommend the Bastman movifigs. However its good to see the change with the belt and thinking of new ideas to make batman both funny and cool.

check our search guide and review in the last blog
Pros = This set likability is based purely on design and can be modified to be any characters car without too much effort , headlights are amazing wheels are great pure class!
Cons = No real mechanism , could have fitted more characters in space for one character inside the vehicle
Verdict =8.5 out of 10
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See you in next weeks blog! when we will be reviewing :
Lego set assembly square!
ohhhhhh its a big one!!!!
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